Paris, Christmas 2012

Join Joan as she celebrates another big one, her 60th in Paris. After all, the

world didn't end on the December 21, 2012 and she survived to arrive in Paris on December 22nd, her birthday!

That's what happens when Gringos try to be ethnic!

Joan, December, 2002

December, 2012. Good grief! She still has that same red coat!


We arrive on a wet, cold December 22nd, Joan's birthday.

We made it quickly through customs, got our bags and went looking for the Metro line into Paris.

Needless to say once you're in France all things are French, even the ride into the heart of Paris from Charles de Gaulle Airport.


Joan got serenaded on the train ride by an accordion player..


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So, what the heck did we do for one week in Paris? Take a look.

All images © 2012 Anthony Galván III
Any use REQUIRES written permission