Dos Gatos IV (Los Cuatro Gatitos)

Life after Schwartz and Schatze continues. While they can't be replaced, their buddies in the feline world have ways of reminding you of their predecessors.

Here's Who's Who at Dos Gatos these days.


Riley Cat was the first to come after Schwartz.

A beautiful pure-bred Ragdoll, Riley thought he could out run a car.

After a long battle to recover while losing his tail, Riley went on to keep Schwartz company in 1993.

Callie Coco

A few weeks after Riley went on to that great litter box in the sky I was found one afternoon by Callie.

She was in an alley in Sun Valley, CA. We were getting married the following week so it wasn't until after the honeymoon that we went looking for her. She was still there. She joined Schatze and us on June 19, 1993.

Next to Schwartz and Schatze she's known the most places: Sun Valley, Lomita, Santa Barbara and Goleta.

This is her favorite past time, hunting!


Mowgli Bah

Mowgli Bah is a very luckey cat. He had the pleasure to know Schatze and he's never know a cold or hungry day in his life.

He was born in Santa Maria, CA and found by an animal control officer when he was around a month old. He came to the Galván household in September, 1996 when he was three months old.

He's big, and though he can hunt he'd rather watch the world from the deck.

He, does, however, like to hang out with the guys, the gardener, the carpenters, or whoever is working around the house.

This is Mowgli's Katadiopic telescope. He likes to do solar viewing during the day.


Ebony joined the Galván household on May 28, 1998.

She was found at the Animal Shelter, having been there more than four months because she doesn't have the "looks" people want in a cat. For a time it looked like she would hold the record for "staying" at the pound but I decided she'd had enough and brought her to the Dos Gatos fold.

She held her own and, in fact, become the new Schatze of the house. This is what she liked to do best, rest though she tried to pass this off as jumping.

Sadly she left us on August 3, 2002.



Edgar a Pukoo. aka Edgar, Puka Boy.

Edgar found us in the Spring of 1999. At first all he did was follow Callie around and ate outside. By the end of the year he was more comfortable being in the house.

Unlike Callie, he hated the rain and was mostly an indoor cat during the winter. A quiet guy, he certainly had a knack for catching Hummingbirds and mice.

We have been devastated by his unexpected passing away on the morning of December 11, 2004. His heart finally gave in. We will miss him greatly.

Back to the Scratching post.