MacPuzl y Galván

Never in the annuals of astronomy has so little been accomplished with the same!

Couple a Celestron C9 and an 8-bit black and white Quickcam and what do you get?

Little low resolution images. But, boy what fun.

Here's what a $29.95 B&W ccd camera will do with a 9 inch SCT.

But wait there's more. Not only is the camera an 8-bit ccd chip, but, the computer was a 486/25 black and white portable. Talk about pushing the performance curve! Notice the bands on Jupiter and separation in Saturn's rings.

Location: Winchester Gun Club, Camino Cielo Rd., Santa Barbara, CA,

Date: December 5, 1999

In attendance: The Santa Barbara Astronomy Unit.


Scope Operator: Chuck MacPartlin
Computer Operator: Tony Galván
Project Manager: Pat MacPartlin
Financial Planner: Joan Galván

© 1999 Anthony Galván III
All rights reserved. Any use without written permission is prohibited.