November 19, 2000 Sunspots

Scope/lens: C90 w/ eyepiece projection: 18mm Celestron Kellner
Mount: Tripod
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 950
Exposure: 1/125 sec.
Filter: Thousand Oaks Solar Filter

Location: Goleta, CA
Date: 11/19/2000, 14:45 PST

A very simple rig produced this image. A Celestron C 90 mounted on a tripod. The solar filter is a Thousand Oaks Type 2. The Coolpix is attached with the standard Celestron C90 camera adapter, an eyepiece adapter and 28mm to 42mm step up ring from CKC Power.

The camera was set to manual mode to allow for various shutter speeds. An 18mm Celestron Kellner .965 eyepiece provided the magnification for the image.

This was a test shot. I will be working to couple the camera to a C8 and C80 refractor with a 10mm and 5mm eyepiece for added magnification and better resolution. At this point the results look very promising for the Coolpix to provide detailed digital planetary, lunar, and solar images.

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