Walking Safari - Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe June 18, 2001

All images are © 2001 by Anthony Galván III. Any use without written permission is strictly prohibited.


Charles Brightman, our guide from Victoria Falls lays out the ground rules.

1. Single file. Do not get one-arm's length away from the person in front of you.

2. If I say jump to the left (or right) jump in that directions. If I say "stay," stay put!


Elephants in the ravine. It's narrower than it looks. They don't have sense of us, yet.


Still having a good time.


A female on the edge of herd gets a whiff of something. What? She knows something else is here?.

But, she won't let it get past her.


Another elephant in the herd gets the same scent. We're down-wind but they know we are here.


Now it's three trunks against us. They know there is something different in the area and are ready to make their move.


The Matriarch of the Herd keeps an eye open for us. She still knows there's something amiss.


After what seemed like an hour the herd moved up the creek. Remember, we were in the river bed where they are now walking. We had moved away from the creek and we safer on higher ground.


The herd's lead female turns around to get a final scent of us. She know's we're here but just doesn't know where. This was the crowning moment of our trip. Animal Planet could never match this.

All images are © Anthony Galván III unless otherwise noted. Any use, whether commercial or non-commercial requires written authorization by the copyright holder.

Page created by Anthony Galvan III on 8/29/01 using Web Album Wizard 1.2 for Macintosh.