Mosi-oa-Tunya Zoological Park, Zambia

All images are © 2001 by Anthony Galván III. Any use without written permission is strictly prohibited.


Guess who has the right of way here? It's certainly not the Land Rover!


Note the "drive slowly" part. That's only when you haven't encountered a rhino.


Giraffe - Giraffe camelopardalis - Masai Race. In this small park a sizeable herd of giraffes were encountered.


Impala Bucks - Aepyceros melampus These two are vying for the attention of a doe off to the right. Their contest gets heated later on.


Impala Bucks - Aepyceros melampus Now the horns are locked. Normally grazing antelope, they will switch to browsing during the dry season.


Impala Bucks - Aepyceros melampus Well known for their jumping abilities, they are also very territorial as this match shows.


Impala Bucks - Aepyceros melampus Still at it. These two fought for at least ten minutes before we left them to settle the dispute.


White Rhinocerous - Ceratotherium simum or the Square-lipped Rhinocerous. The name "white" comes from the pronunciation of "wide" by early white settlers and hunters.


White Rhinocerous - Ceratotherium simum This large female is only one of five left in the entire country of Zambia. She has a 24-hour armed guard and is regularly de-horned to discourage poachers. The White Rhino is much larger than the Black Rhino.


Hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius - The River Horse. This shot clearly shows why it got is equestrian name. Hippos are nasty critters and are responsible for more fatal animal attacks in Africa.


Chapman's Zebra Equus b. antiquorum - Six subspecies of zebra exist in Africa. Built like a stocky pony, they live in small herds for protection. Here the dapple light of a stand of tress offes shade and camoflauge.


Chapman's Zebra Equus b. antiquorum The subtle trace of color on the white background can be seen better on these Chapman's Zebras.

All images are © Anthony Galván III unless otherwise noted. Any use, whether commercial or non-commercial requires written authorization by the copyright holder.

Page created by Anthony Galvan III on 8/31/01 using Web Album Wizard 1.2 for Macintosh.